Lavanya Kannan and
Ward C Wheeler. Exactly Computing the Parsimony Scores on Phylogenetic Networks Using Dynamic Programming. In JCB, Vol. 21(4):303-319, 2014. Keywords: explicit network, exponential algorithm, from network, from sequences, parsimony, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction.
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"Scoring a given phylogenetic network is the first step that is required in searching for the best evolutionary framework for a given dataset. Using the principle of maximum parsimony, we can score phylogenetic networks based on the minimum number of state changes across a subset of edges of the network for each character that are required for a given set of characters to realize the input states at the leaves of the networks. Two such subsets of edges of networks are interesting in light of studying evolutionary histories of datasets: (i) the set of all edges of the network, and (ii) the set of all edges of a spanning tree that minimizes the score. The problems of finding the parsimony scores under these two criteria define slightly different mathematical problems that are both NP-hard. In this article, we show that both problems, with scores generalized to adding substitution costs between states on the endpoints of the edges, can be solved exactly using dynamic programming. We show that our algorithms require O(mpk) storage at each vertex (per character), where k is the number of states the character can take, p is the number of reticulate vertices in the network, m = k for the problem with edge set (i), and m = 2 for the problem with edge set (ii). This establishes an O(nmpk2) algorithm for both the problems (n is the number of leaves in the network), which are extensions of Sankoff's algorithm for finding the parsimony scores for phylogenetic trees. We will discuss improvements in the complexities and show that for phylogenetic networks whose underlying undirected graphs have disjoint cycles, the storage at each vertex can be reduced to O(mk), thus making the algorithm polynomial for this class of networks. We will present some properties of the two approaches and guidance on choosing between the criteria, as well as traverse through the network space using either of the definitions. We show that our methodology provides an effective means to study a wide variety of datasets. © Copyright 2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2014."
Lavanya Kannan and
Ward C Wheeler. Maximum Parsimony on Phylogenetic Networks. In ALMOB, Vol. 7:9, 2012. Keywords: dynamic programming, explicit network, from sequences, heuristic, parsimony, phylogenetic network, phylogeny. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1748-7188-7-9.
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"Background: Phylogenetic networks are generalizations of phylogenetic trees, that are used to model evolutionary events in various contexts. Several different methods and criteria have been introduced for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. Maximum Parsimony is a character-based approach that infers a phylogenetic tree by minimizing the total number of evolutionary steps required to explain a given set of data assigned on the leaves. Exact solutions for optimizing parsimony scores on phylogenetic trees have been introduced in the past.Results: In this paper, we define the parsimony score on networks as the sum of the substitution costs along all the edges of the network; and show that certain well-known algorithms that calculate the optimum parsimony score on trees, such as Sankoff and Fitch algorithms extend naturally for networks, barring conflicting assignments at the reticulate vertices. We provide heuristics for finding the optimum parsimony scores on networks. Our algorithms can be applied for any cost matrix that may contain unequal substitution costs of transforming between different characters along different edges of the network. We analyzed this for experimental data on 10 leaves or fewer with at most 2 reticulations and found that for almost all networks, the bounds returned by the heuristics matched with the exhaustively determined optimum parsimony scores.Conclusion: The parsimony score we define here does not directly reflect the cost of the best tree in the network that displays the evolution of the character. However, when searching for the most parsimonious network that describes a collection of characters, it becomes necessary to add additional cost considerations to prefer simpler structures, such as trees over networks. The parsimony score on a network that we describe here takes into account the substitution costs along the additional edges incident on each reticulate vertex, in addition to the substitution costs along the other edges which are common to all the branching patterns introduced by the reticulate vertices. Thus the score contains an in-built cost for the number of reticulate vertices in the network, and would provide a criterion that is comparable among all networks. Although the problem of finding the parsimony score on the network is believed to be computationally hard to solve, heuristics such as the ones described here would be beneficial in our efforts to find a most parsimonious network. © 2012 Kannan and Wheeler; licensee BioMed Central Ltd."
Lavanya Kannan,
Hua Li and
Arcady Mushegian. A Polynomial-Time Algorithm Computing Lower and Upper Bounds of the Rooted Subtree Prune and Regraft Distance. In JCB, Vol. 18(5):743-757, 2011. Keywords: bound, minimum number, polynomial, SPR distance. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/cmb.2010.0045.
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"Rooted, leaf-labeled trees are used in biology to represent hierarchical relationships of various entities, most notably the evolutionary history of molecules and organisms. Rooted Subtree Prune and Regraft (rSPR) operation is a tree rearrangement operation that is used to transform a tree into another tree that has the same set of leaf labels. The minimum number of rSPR operations that transform one tree into another is denoted by drSPR and gives a measure of dissimilarity between the trees, which can be used to compare trees obtained by different approaches, or, in the context of phylogenetic analysis, to detect horizontal gene transfer events by finding incongruences between trees of different evolving characters. The problem of computing the exact d rSPR measure is NP-hard, and most algorithms resort to finding sequences of rSPR operations that are sufficient for transforming one tree into another, thereby giving upper bound heuristics for the distance. In this article, we present an O(n4) recursive algorithm D-Clust that gives both lower bound and upper bound heuristics for the distance between trees with n shared leaves and also gives a sequence of operations that transforms one tree into another. Our experiments on simulated pairs of trees containing up to 100 leaves showed that the two bounds are almost equal for small distances, thereby giving the nearly-precise actual value, and that the upper bound tends to be close to the upper bounds given by other approaches for all pairs of trees. © Copyright 2011, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2011."