publications sorted by year

Maxime Morgado. Propriétés structurelles et relations des classes de réseaux phylogénétiques. Master's thesis, ENS Cachan, 2015. Keywords: compressed network, distinct-cluster network, explicit network, galled network, galled tree, level k phylogenetic network, nested network, normal network, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, regular network, spread, tree containment, tree sibling network, tree-based network, tree-child network, unicyclic network.

Zhijiang Li. Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for Hybridization Number of Two Multifurcating Trees. Master's thesis, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2014. Keywords: agreement forest, explicit network, FPT, from rooted trees, minimum number, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note:

Adrià Alcalà Mena. Trivalent Graph isomorphism in polynomial time. Master's thesis, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain, 2012. Keywords: distance between networks, explicit network, from network, isomorphism, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, polynomial, Program SAGE. Note:

Josh Voorkamp né Collins. Rekernelisation Algorithms in Hybrid Phylogenies. Master's thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2009. Keywords: agreement forest, explicit network, FPT, from rooted trees, from unrooted trees, hybridization, minimum number, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program HybridInterleave, reconstruction, software. Note:

Chris Whidden. A Unifying View on Approximation and FPT of Agreement Forests. Master's thesis, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2009. Keywords: agreement forest, approximation, explicit network, FPT, from rooted trees, hybridization, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction, SPR distance. Note:

Derek Ruths. Applications of phylogenetic incongruence to detecting and reconstructing interspecific recombination and horizontal gene transfer. Master's thesis, Rice University, U.S.A., 2005. Keywords: explicit network, from rooted trees, from species tree, heuristic, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, polynomial, reconstruction. Note: