AUTHOR = {Sz{\~A}ll{\~A}si, Gergely J. and Daubin, Vincent},
TITLE = {Modeling Gene Family Evolution and Reconciling Phylogenetic Discord},
YEAR = {2011},
JOURNAL = {Methods in Molecular Biology},
BOOKTITLE = {Evolutionary Genomics, Statistical and Computational Methods, Volume 2},
VOLUME = {856},
PAGES = {29-51},
PUBLISHER = {springer},
CHAPTER = {2},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-61779-585-5_2},
NOTE = {ArXiv version entitled The pattern and process of gene family evolution},
KEYWORDS = {duplication, from multilabeled tree, lateral gene transfer, likelihood, phylogeny, reconstruction, statistical model} }