Chris Whidden and
Norbert Zeh. A Unifying View on Approximation and FPT of Agreement Forests. In WABI09, Vol. 5724:390-402 of LNCS, Springer, 2009. Keywords: agreement forest, approximation, explicit network, FPT, minimum number, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: https://www.cs.dal.ca/sites/default/files/technical_reports/CS-2009-02.pdf.
Toggle abstract
"We provide a unifying view on the structure of maximum (acyclic) agreement forests of rooted and unrooted phylogenies. This enables us to obtain linear- or O(n log n)-time 3-approximation and improved fixed-parameter algorithms for the subtree prune and regraft distance between two rooted phylogenies, the tree bisection and reconnection distance between two unrooted phylogenies, and the hybridization number of two rooted phylogenies. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg."
AUTHOR = {Whidden, Chris and Zeh, Norbert},
TITLE = {A Unifying View on Approximation and FPT of Agreement Forests},
YEAR = {2009},
VOLUME = {5724},
PAGES = {390-402},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04241-6_32},
NOTE = { https://www.cs.dal.ca/sites/default/files/technical_reports/CS-2009-02.pdf},
KEYWORDS = {agreement forest, approximation, explicit network, FPT, minimum number, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction} }