AUTHOR = {Than, Cuong and Ruths, Derek and Innan, Hideki and Nakhleh, Luay},
TITLE = {Identifiability Issues in Phylogeny-Based Detection of Horizontal Gene Transfer},
YEAR = {2006},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fourth RECOMB Comparative Genomics Satellite Workshop (RECOMB-CG'06)},
VOLUME = {4205},
PAGES = {215-229},
PUBLISHER = {springer},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11864127_17},
NOTE = {
ANNOTE = {BIBUPDATE : 20070917},
KEYWORDS = {explicit network, from rooted trees, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program LatTrans, Program PhyloNet}