Steven Kelk and
Celine Scornavacca. Constructing minimal phylogenetic networks from softwired clusters is fixed parameter tractable. In ALG, Vol. 68(4):886-915, 2014. Keywords: explicit network, FPT, from clusters, level k phylogenetic network, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.3653.
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"Here we show that, given a set of clusters C on a set of taxa X, where |X|=n, it is possible to determine in time f(k)×poly(n) whether there exists a level-≤k network (i.e. a network where each biconnected component has reticulation number at most k) that represents all the clusters in C in the softwired sense, and if so to construct such a network. This extends a result from Kelk et al. (in IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 9:517-534, 2012) which showed that the problem is polynomial-time solvable for fixed k. By defining "k-reticulation generators" analogous to "level-k generators", we then extend this fixed parameter tractability result to the problem where k refers not to the level but to the reticulation number of the whole network. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York."
Juan Wang. A new algorithm to construct phylogenetic networks from trees. In Genetics and Molecular Research, Vol. 13(1):1456-1464, 2014. Keywords: explicit network, from clusters, heuristic, phylogenetic network, Program LNetwork, Program QuickCass, reconstruction. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.4238/2014.March.6.4.
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"Developing appropriate methods for constructing phylogenetic networks from tree sets is an important problem, and much research is currently being undertaken in this area. BIMLR is an algorithm that constructs phylogenetic networks from tree sets. The algorithm can construct a much simpler network than other available methods. Here, we introduce an improved version of the BIMLR algorithm, QuickCass. QuickCass changes the selection strategy of the labels of leaves below the reticulate nodes, i.e., the nodes with an indegree of at least 2 in BIMLR. We show that QuickCass can construct simpler phylogenetic networks than BIMLR. Furthermore, we show that QuickCass is a polynomial-time algorithm when the output network that is constructed by QuickCass is binary. © FUNPEC-RP."
Adrià Alcalà Mena,
Mercè Llabrés,
Francesc Rosselló and
Pau Rullan. Tree-Child Cluster Networks. In Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 134(1-2):1-15, 2014. Keywords: explicit network, from clusters, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program PhyloNetwork, reconstruction, tree-child network.