Joel Sjöstrand,
Ali Tofigh,
Vincent Daubin,
Lars Arvestad,
Bengt Sennblad and
Jens Lagergren. A Bayesian Method for Analyzing Lateral Gene Transfer. In Systematic Biology, Vol. 63(3):409-420, 2014. Keywords: bayesian, duplication, from rooted trees, from sequences, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, loss, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program JPrIME-DLTRS, reconstruction. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syu007.
Ali Tofigh,
Mike Hallett and
Jens Lagergren. Simultaneous Identification of Duplications and Lateral Gene Transfers. In TCBB, Vol. 8(2):517-535, 2011. Keywords: duplication, explicit network, FPT, from rooted trees, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, loss, NP complete, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2010.14.
Toggle abstract
"The incongruency between a gene tree and a corresponding species tree can be attributed to evolutionary events such as gene duplication and gene loss. This paper describes a combinatorial model where so-called DTL-scenarios are used to explain the differences between a gene tree and a corresponding species tree taking into account gene duplications, gene losses, and lateral gene transfers (also known as horizontal gene transfers). The reasonable biological constraint that a lateral gene transfer may only occur between contemporary species leads to the notion of acyclic DTL-scenarios. Parsimony methods are introduced by defining appropriate optimization problems. We show that finding most parsimonious acyclic DTL-scenarios is NP-hard. However, by dropping the condition of acyclicity, the problem becomes tractable, and we provide a dynamic programming algorithm as well as a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for finding most parsimonious DTL-scenarios. © 2011 IEEE."

Ali Tofigh. Using Trees to Capture Reticulate Evolution, Lateral Gene Transfers and Cancer Progression. PhD thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2009. Keywords: duplication, dynamic programming, from multilabeled tree, from rooted trees, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, loss, NP complete, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://kth.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:220830&searchId=1.
Ali Tofigh,
Joel Sjöstrand,
Bengt Sennblad,
Lars Arvestad and
Jens Lagergren. Detecting LGTs using a novel probabilistic model integrating duplications, LGTs, losses, rate variation, and sequence evolution. 2009. Keywords: duplication, lateral gene transfer, loss, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://kth.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?searchId=1&pid=diva2:233574.
Mike Hallett,
Jens Lagergren and
Ali Tofigh. Simultaneous Identification of Duplications and Lateral Transfers. In RECOMB04, Pages 347-356, 2004. Keywords: duplication, explicit network, FPT, from rooted trees, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, loss, NP complete, parsimony, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, polynomial, reconstruction. Note: http://www.nada.kth.se/~jensl/p164-hallett.pdf.