Leo van Iersel,
Steven Kelk,
Giorgios Stamoulis,
Leen Stougie and
Olivier Boes. On unrooted and root-uncertain variants of several well-known phylogenetic network problems. In ALG, Vol. 80(11):2993-3022, 2018. Keywords: explicit network, FPT, from network, from unrooted trees, NP complete, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction, tree containment. Note: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01599716.
Leo van Iersel,
Steven Kelk,
Nela Lekic and
Leen Stougie. Approximation algorithms for nonbinary agreement forests. In SIDMA, Vol. 28(1):49-66, 2014. Keywords: agreement forest, approximation, from rooted trees, hybridization, minimum number, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.3211.
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"Given two rooted phylogenetic trees on the same set of taxa X, the Maximum Agreement Forest (maf) problem asks to find a forest that is, in a certain sense, common to both trees and has a minimum number of components. The Maximum Acyclic Agreement Forest (maaf) problem has the additional restriction that the components of the forest cannot have conflicting ancestral relations in the input trees. There has been considerable interest in the special cases of these problems in which the input trees are required to be binary. However, in practice, phylogenetic trees are rarely binary, due to uncertainty about the precise order of speciation events. Here, we show that the general, nonbinary version of maf has a polynomial-time 4-approximation and a fixedparameter tractable (exact) algorithm that runs in O(4opoly(n)) time, where n = |X| and k is the number of components of the agreement forest minus one. Moreover, we show that a c-approximation algorithm for nonbinary maf and a d-approximation algorithm for the classical problem Directed Feedback Vertex Set (dfvs) can be combined to yield a d(c+3)-approximation for nonbinary maaf. The algorithms for maf have been implemented and made publicly available. © 2014 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics."
Eric Bapteste,
Leo van Iersel,
Axel Janke,
Scott Kelchner,
Steven Kelk,
James O. McInerney,
David A. Morrison,
Luay Nakhleh,
Mike Steel,
Leen Stougie and
James B. Whitfield. Networks: expanding evolutionary thinking. In Trends in Genetics, Vol. 29(8):439-441, 2013. Keywords: abstract network, explicit network, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://bioinf.nuim.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Bapteste-TiG-2013.pdf.
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"Networks allow the investigation of evolutionary relationships that do not fit a tree model. They are becoming a leading tool for describing the evolutionary relationships between organisms, given the comparative complexities among genomes. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd."
Steven Kelk,
Leo van Iersel,
Nela Lekic,
Simone Linz,
Celine Scornavacca and
Leen Stougie. Cycle killer... qu'est-ce que c'est? On the comparative approximability of hybridization number and directed feedback vertex set. In SIDMA, Vol. 26(4):1635-1656, 2012. Keywords: agreement forest, approximation, explicit network, from rooted trees, minimum number, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program CycleKiller, reconstruction. Note: http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.5359, about the title.
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"We show that the problem of computing the hybridization number of two rooted binary phylogenetic trees on the same set of taxa X has a constant factor polynomial-time approximation if and only if the problem of computing a minimum-size feedback vertex set in a directed graph (DFVS) has a constant factor polynomial-time approximation. The latter problem, which asks for a minimum number of vertices to be removed from a directed graph to transform it into a directed acyclic graph, is one of the problems in Karp's seminal 1972 list of 21 NP-complete problems. Despite considerable attention from the combinatorial optimization community, it remains to this day unknown whether a constant factor polynomial-time approximation exists for DFVS. Our result thus places the (in)approximability of hybridization number in a much broader complexity context, and as a consequence we obtain that it inherits inapproximability results from the problem Vertex Cover. On the positive side, we use results from the DFVS literature to give an O(log r log log r) approximation for the hybridization number where r is the correct value. Copyright © by SIAM."
Leo van Iersel,
Judith Keijsper,
Steven Kelk,
Leen Stougie,
Ferry Hagen and
Teun Boekhout. Constructing level-2 phylogenetic networks from triplets. In RECOMB08, Vol. 4955:450-462 of LNCS, springer, 2008. Keywords: explicit network, from triplets, level k phylogenetic network, NP complete, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, polynomial, Program Level2, reconstruction. Note: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~iersel/level2full.pdf. An appendix with proofs can be found here http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2890.
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"Jansson and Sung showed that, given a dense set of input triplets T (representing hypotheses about the local evolutionary relationships of triplets of taxa), it is possible to determine in polynomial time whether there exists a level-1 network consistent with T, and if so, to construct such a network [24]. Here, we extend this work by showing that this problem is even polynomial time solvable for the construction of level-2 networks. This shows that, assuming density, it is tractable to construct plausible evolutionary histories from input triplets even when such histories are heavily nontree-like. This further strengthens the case for the use of triplet-based methods in the construction of phylogenetic networks. We also implemented the algorithm and applied it to yeast data. © 2009 IEEE."