Andreas W. M. Dress,
Katharina Huber,
Jacobus Koolen and
Vincent Moulton. Compatible decompositions and block realizations of finite metrics. In EJC, Vol. 29(7):1617-1633, 2008. Keywords: abstract network, block realization, from distances, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, realization, reconstruction. Note: http://www.ims.nus.edu.sg/preprints/2007-21.pdf.
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"Given a metric D defined on a finite set X, we define a finite collection D of metrics on X to be a compatible decomposition of D if any two distinct metrics in D are linearly independent (considered as vectors in RX × X), D = ∑d ∈ D d holds, and there exist points x, x′ ∈ X for any two distinct metrics d, d′ in D such that d (x, y) d′ (x′, y) = 0 holds for every y ∈ X. In this paper, we show that such decompositions are in one-to-one correspondence with (isomorphism classes of) block realizations of D, that is, graph realizations G of D for which G is a block graph and for which every vertex in G not labelled by X has degree at least 3 and is a cut point of G. This generalizes a fundamental result in phylogenetic combinatorics that states that a metric D defined on X can be realized by a tree if and only if there exists a compatible decomposition D of D such that all metrics d ∈ D are split metrics, and lays the foundation for a more general theory of metric decompositions that will be explored in future papers. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved."
Lichen Bao and
Sergey Bereg. Clustered SplitsNetworks. In COCOA08, Vol. 5165:469-478 of LNCS, springer, 2008. Keywords: abstract network, from distances, NeighborNet, realization, reconstruction. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-85097-7_44, slides available at http://www.utdallas.edu/~besp/cocoa08talk.pdf.
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"We address the problem of constructing phylogenetic networks using two criteria: the number of cycles and the fit value of the network. Traditionally the fit value is the main objective for evaluating phylogenetic networks. However, a small number of cycles in a network is desired and pointed out in several publications. We propose a new phylogenetic network called CS-network and a method for constructing it. The method is based on the well-known splitstree method. A CS-network contains a face which is k-cycle, k ≥ 3 (not as splitstree). We discuss difficulties of using non-parallelogram faces in splitstree networks. Our method involves clustering and optimization of weights of the network edges. The algorithm for constructing the underlying graph (except the optimization step) has a polynomial time. Experimental results show a good performance of our algorithm. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008."