
Alain Guénoche. Graphical Representation of a Boolean Array. In Computers and the Humanities, Vol. 20(4):277-281, 1986. Keywords: from splits, median network, reconstruction. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02400118.
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"In this paper, we represent a boolean array of data with a median connected graph. Vertices are the different lines of the array plus virtual monomials, and an edge links two vertices that are different for only one variable. We describe an algorithm to compute this graph, that is an exact representation of the symmetrical difference distance between lines, and we show an application to Bronze age pins. © 1986 Paradigm Press, Inc."

Ingo Althöfer. On optimal realizations of finite metric spaces by graphs. In Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 3(1):103-122, 1986. Keywords: NP complete, optimal realization, realization. Note: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02187901.
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"Graph realizations of finite metric spaces have widespread applications, for example, in biology, economics, and information theory. The main results of this paper are: 1. Finding optimal realizations of integral metrics (which means all distances are integral) is NP-complete. 2. There exist metric spaces with a continuum of optimal realizations. Furthermore, two conditions necessary for a weighted graph to be an optimal realization are given and an extremal problem arising in connection with the realization problem is investigated. © 1988 Springer-Verlag New York Inc."